Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Where did the Fishes Go?

What an awesome time we had in Bible Study on 3-11-15. God is truly moving in Grace Community Church. Tonight we were continuing our study of "Hearing from God" and discussing Noah.  As we continued, we began reading in Genesis 7:


Gen 7:20–24 The water prevailed fifteen cubits higher, and the mountains were covered.  All flesh that moved on the earth perished, birds and cattle and beasts and every swarming thing that swarms upon the earth, and all mankind; of all that was on the dry land, all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, died.  Thus He blotted out every living thing that was upon the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky, and they were blotted out from the earth; and only Noah was left, together with those that were with him in the ark. The water prevailed upon the earth one hundred and fifty days.”


A great question was posed: “Where did the fishes go?”  The initial answer was “I don’t know.”  This is not a question that I had ever thought of.   But with the benefit of time and some research, we can actually answer the question. 


1. One thing to consider is the fossil record which says that fishes actually existed and there were many different types.  Genesis 1:20 discusses the creation of the sea creatures and the things that swarm in the sea.  Whether we take an “old earth” or “young earth” position, the fossil record speaks for itself.  Even if this was millions of years ago, there are fossils that say that fish thrived during this time. 


2. If we examine the scripture in Genesis 7 closely, it says that God blotted out every living thing that was on the face of the land.  The sea creatures were not mentioned.  The fact that they were not mentioned leaves room for interpretation.


3. We have to consider the reason for the flood in the first place.  Genesis 6:5-8 “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. The LORD said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, from man to animals to creeping things and to birds of the sky; for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.” 


The true reason for the flood was the sinfulness of mankind.  The animals died as a result of the sins of man.  We would call that collateral damage.  We understand from this and from what we read later that the Lord was getting ready to perform a hard reset on the earth and repopulate it using Noah and his family and the animals that were saved with them.  The scripture says who/what will be blotted out but did not mention the fishes. 


4. The excess water would not really affect the fishes because this was their natural habitat.  It is rational that they should have been able to survive.  The sin of man is what grieved God, the animals did not grieve Him because they could not/cannot sin.  When we think about the current state of the animal world and their aggression/ survival instincts, we have to understand that in light of how sin corrupted the natural order and brought death to both man and beast alike.


So what is the verdict?  Did the fishes survive?  I am inclined to say that many died just from the sheer force of the currents and waves.  But we have to also think about the preservative nature of God.  He told Noah to take 2 of every kind, male and female.  Genesis 6:19-20 “And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female.   “Of the birds after their kind, and of the animals after their kind, of every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive” 


God took the animals that survived and thrived using the surface of the earth as their home and preserved them in the Ark with Noah.  There was no place for the fishes in the Ark but I am sure that, just as the preservation of land animals was for the eventual repopulation of the earth; God preserved some of the sea creatures so that they too would be able to multiply when the time came.  So, where were the fishes?  They were in the water and the ones that God allowed to survive eventually mated and repopulated just like the animals that lived on the dry land.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

You Wish

I was recently watching / listening to Carlton Pearson video.  I say watching and listening because with him it is very important to hear every word he says so they might be examined according to Scripture.   As I watched/listened to  the video I actually became angry. Pearson was spouting off so much nonsense until it literally angered me to the point that I started debating with him via my computer screen.  He is quoting Albert Einstein, misinterpreting Hebrews 6 saying that the writer was somehow urging his readers to a “higher consciousness” and making up words like “metacostal”…whatever that means! 

His blatant disrespect for God, Scripture, Jesus and everything else that Christianity stands for was appalling.  As you can hear in the video he refers to the Bible as old, outdated and he thinks that the whole idea of Christianity is obsolete.  He uses these arguments to clear the way for his new thought metaphysical doctrine.  Pearson has been a charlatan for a long time and his entire transformation is seemingly based on an emotional attachment to his grandparents.  His grandparents passed away and I don't know if they were saved, and he did not know if they were saved according to an NBC interview [Is Hell Real?].  That led him to adopt the mentality/doctrine of universalism which says that everyone goes to heaven regardless of whether or not they are Christian or have confessed Jesus Christ as their Savior. That alone speaks volumes about a man who was in the faith for many years and preached the gospel for many years.  Did one event cause them to doubt everything that he knew?  Did he really know anything at all?

As the video played, I heard him say something quite shocking.  In an almost condescending manner he compared Joel Olsteen’s preaching to that of Jesus.  I had to listen to that again because it was just so unbelievable.  His comparison of Osteen and Jesus Christ really holds no water whatsoever.  His reasoning for the comparison where stated in the video that Joel Osteen does not use much scripture , he preaches in “beatitudes” similar to the sermon on the mount and that he preaches more like Jesus that many preachers today.  Seemingly Pearson has a problem with preaching Jesus vs preaching like Jesus.  I contend that a preacher must do both, he must preach Jesus because Jesus is the heart of the gospel!  Paul says plainly that when I came to you I resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified [1 Cor 2:2].  He says again in another place that he only preaches Jesus Christ and Him crucified [1 Cor 1:23].  A casual search of the BibleHub website lists at least 10 scriptures written by the apostles where they “preach Christ” [Preach Christ Links].  Not only must we preach Jesus for there is no other Savior or source of salvation, we must also preach like Jesus.  What I mean by that is that our sermons need to be direct, truthful, and insightful, loving and honest enough to call sin what it is!

To say that Osteen preaches like Jesus is an insult to Jesus!  Osteen calls for us to live our best life now, Jesus warns us that in this world we will have tribulation and also to take up our cross and follow him.  Osteen teaches health wealth and prosperity Jesus taught foxes have holes birds have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head!  Osteen teaches mansions cars and positive thinking but Jesus teaches unless a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.  For Pearson to say that Jesus did not use much scripture is a bold face lie. Jesus began his ministry in the fourth chapter of Luke reading from the scroll of Isaiah.  He quoted the prophets often.  “Rightly did the Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, “This people honors Me with their lips but their heart is far away from Me.”   The Sermon on the Mount was based on the Scripture. Whenever Jesus says “You have heard it said” he is quoting interpretations of scripture!  Whenever he says “but I tell you the truth” he is giving the true meaning of that scripture!  He instructed the religious leaders that if anyone would be quiet upon His entrance to Jerusalem, “the rocks would cry out”.  He also instructed them from the Psalms that out of the mouths of babes “You have prepared praise for yourself…” [Matthew 21:16; Psalm 8:2]]. How can Pearson say that Jesus did not use much scripture when he argued from the Scriptures weekly in the Synagogue?

Either Pearson has forgotten the Jesus of the Bible or he is deliberately seeking to blot the true Jesus in favor of the Jesus of his own imagination. Many have a view of Jesus that is totally incorrect because it is based on what they feel and not what Scripture says. I would even venture to say that Joel Osteen knows less about Jesus then a baby.  I have never once heard him preach repentance, I have never once heard him preach about the coming judgment of Jesus Christ, I have never once heard him preach about being born again, I have never once heard him preach that Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life, I have never heard him once refer to Jesus as the Savior of the world, I have never heard him once call Jesus Lord, I have never heard him once ask anyone in the congregation to submit their lives to Jesus Christ. What I have heard on multiple occasions are silly stories about people who do not exist, about events that have not happened and scenarios that is so far-fetched that he doesn't even believe them.

Jesus is more than just a figment of our imagination or some historical figure. He is God, he is the second person  of the Trinity, he is the Son of God who came to us to show us what God was like.  He is the Son of God who came to us to fulfill the prophecy in Leviticus 26:12, “'I will also walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.”  Pearson and the other false teachers of his ilk are sadly mistaken and I pray that God will open their eyes before it is too late.  Whenever we start looking for something sexier or better or more exciting than Jesus the devil will use that as a trap and he will present you with something sexier or better or more contemporary- man has a way that seems right but in the end it leads to death.  In the end, it is all rubbish.   

I would only say to Pearson you wish that Jesus preached like Osteen!  If that was the case, there would be far less consequences for sin, no discipline for the disciples of Jesus Christ and no judgment for the wicked!  Many seek a kinder gentler Jesus and honestly he is kind and gentle to those who are humble in spirit and lowly in heart.  He is kind and gentle to those who come to him not trying to fit him into a box but are willing to allow him to be Lord of their life.  Grace and peace to you my brothers and sisters.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Relative Truth


I was recently on Facebook and a friend of mine put this problem up.  It seems harmless.  The answer that I gave is 1 and I will show you how I derived it:

2(1+2) = 2(3) = 6

6÷6 = 1

The reason that I solved it this way is because the parentheses have to be dealt with first.  The multiplication of the term outside of the parentheses with the term inside (distribution) has to happen next.  Division is last (even though this goes counter to the PEMDAS protocol).  According to Purple Math, here is what they have to say: "The order of operations was settled on in order to prevent miscommunication, but PEMDAS can generate its own confusion; some students sometimes tend to apply the hierarchy as though all the operations in a problem are on the same "level", but often those operations are not "equal". Many times it helps to work problems from the inside out, rather than left-to-right, because often some parts of the problem are "deeper down" than other parts."[1] The reason I did it this way is very simple, the division symbol indicates that there is a numerator and a denominator as shown and the parentheses indicate that the two terms on the left must be dealt with first:


There is another camp that says that the equation can be solved in the following way: 6/2*(1+2) which discounts the division sign as separating the numerator and denominator.

 x (2+1)  = 3x3 = 9

Surprisingly, there are numerous videos on YouTube describing how to solve this problem!  It is a simple problem but it is made less simple because the terms are not clearly defined.   The answer can be 9 only if the first two terms are grouped together otherwise, the first method takes precedence.

It is funny that there is such debate over this.  Mathematics is a beautiful art and it is also very concrete.  There is one answer to any given problem.  What this problem introduces is the idea that there are two ways to solve the problem and therefore we get two different answers.  The only reason this is possible is because the problem is left open to the interpretation of the one reading it because of the way that it is written.

This is where I was sort of peeved because the problem is more than a math problem.  It actually subtly introduces the concept of relative truth.  Mathematics is not a relative art.  Arts are usually subjective and left open to the interpreter but mathematics doesn't fall into that classification.  It is absolute.  This problem introduces relativism because of the poorly defined terms.

What does relativism have to do with anything?  It is a way to rationalize anything down to what “I” believe as opposed to what is the truth.  Relativism says that your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth and there are no absolutes. 

I beg to differ here.  There are absolutes!  Jesus Christ is absolute.  There are no two answers, there are no two ways to get to Him, there are no relatives…He IS the truth!  The world that we live in tries to muddy up the waters by making everything relative.  Truth is presented with spin to ensure maximum confusion.  Don’t be swayed.  When you know the truth, do the truth!  When you know what is right, do what is right.  There is no “my truth” or “your truth” but THE truth!  God bless you and keep you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Purple Penguins??

The following was taken from an article on LGBT Weekly.  I will not put a link to it here because I do not endorse the website or what it stands for.  A simple Google search for "purple penguins" will have this particular article toward the top of the search list.

"The National Review posted a story Oct. 8 on the Lincoln, Nebraska School District (referred to as Lincoln Public Schools and abbreviated LPS) headlined “School told to call kids ‘purple penguins’ because ‘boys and girls’ is not inclusive to transgender” with the subhead of the story being “Nebraska teachers are instructed to ask students what their preferred pronouns are.” According to the story, the school district “instructed its teachers to stop referring to students by ‘“gendered expressions’ such as ‘boys and girls,’ and use ‘gender inclusive ones such as ‘purple penguins’ instead.” The story focused on a document by the organization Gender Spectrum entitled “12 easy steps on the way to gender inclusiveness.”

Here is my main issue with the LGBT community...they just do not know when to sit down and shut up!  They are masters at muddying up the waters to the point that NO ONE knows WHAT they are anymore.  Transgender, Transsexual, Queer...blah, blah, blah, blah.  Let me also say this: while I disagree with the lifestyle choices of this particular community, it's their business and if that's what they choose, so be it.  There are many in the world who have rejected God and desire to live on their own terms. A man or woman who chooses to be homosexual, regardless of their concept of being born that way, has a "human" right to live how they please.  With so much rationalization of "Why I am gay or why I am like this" and all the foolish arguments for gender identity crises, I don't have time to wade through the muck and wage an unwinnable war of words.  So, to each his/her own.  I will speak the truth and if it is accepted, bless you.  If not, the dust will promptly be shaken off.

All sin is detestable in the eyes of God.  Homosexuality is just another sin. It carries no more weight than lying or adultery or murder. The issue is refusing to see it as sin. When that is the case, the door is open for deception and for agenda pushing. If people believe that it is normal behavior then they will expect to be treated as if it is normal. I contend that it is not normal for it goes against the entire reason that God made men and women sexual creatures.  First and foremost, sex is intended for procreation and for pleasure.  However, as the Bible says in Romans 1:24 that God will give them over to their lusts, the LGBT community can do as they please until they have to answer for their deeds.

If we examine the article and the concept that is presented above we see a dangerous precedent being set and a dangerous agenda being pushed.  The LGBT community believes that they must erase gender and in doing so, create an environment in which homosexuality can proliferate!  It is clear that not everyone is homosexual.  It is also clear that everyone is not in agreement with this way of life. Why do they continually seek to blur the gender lines?  Men are men and women are women. Why do they continually resort to arguing that there is no gender when everytime we undress we see that there clearly is a difference in genders?   There are no PURPLE PENGUINS, THERE IS NO GENDER SPECTRUM, THERE ARE BOYS AND GIRLS THAT GROW UP INTO MEN AND WOMEN!  The only things that this community is good at is spreading confusion, paranoia and bullying people into accepting their way of life.  Live your life the way you choose and the way you please but don't try to erase what God has already instituted!  Don't try to remove the differences that God inherently set up between by separating male from female. Not only is it confusing to our younger generation it is an insidious agenda hidden behind the veil of equality.

They have tried to hide behind the civil rights movement, they have tried to hide behind the anti- bullying movement, they have tried and succeeded in rewriting the history books in California, they have sought to push the God created concept of marriage, as every ancient culture has known it for millennia, into obsolescence.  They have sued shop owners who refused to endorse their foolishness [] and have even bullied many states into legalizing gay marriage.  In an effort to make the climate more comfortable for themselves, at the expense of everyone else's own comfort, they want to erase gender so that we no longer see male nor female. That is categorically false and deceptively destructive to the fabric of the family, the generations of children who are being brought up in this confusing mess and those who legitimately seek an out from this way of life but are being told that it is ok.

Erasing gender in terms of practical functionality i.e. women doing the same jobs as men in a male dominated society, women being able to do the same things as men is a good thing [Consequently, I think that female UFC matches are detestable and for the record, I do not like the idea od UFC period.  It is savagery.]  Even the Bible says that God is not partial to Christ.  But the most basic Bible readers would know that the scripture in reference to Galatians chapter 3 verse 23 has no bearing on sexuality! 

My request is simple, be who you are and do not try to make others be who they are not. Live how you live but respect the fact that we have a right to disagree with you. Do what you do in the privacy from your own home. Don't try to tell us that there are no genders.  Instead, you embrace that delusion but don't force it on those of us who know better.  You can chop, cut and everything else but at the end of the day, if God made you a're a man.  It doesn't matter how short you cut your hair or how much you try to hide your breasts or how baggy you try to wear your clothes, at the end of the day if God made you a woman, you're a woman.  There are no purple penguins...male and female, He created them.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Favor Without the Labor

This video clip was taken from the Facebook page of the Potter’s House where Bishop T.D. Jakes is the Pastor.  Although pixelated to conceal the identity of the speaker [I have no beef with them as they are only speaking what they are being taught] as well as other information that was on my feed at the time, I can attest that the video was not altered in any way, shape or form other than repeating the last phrase for emphasis only.
Here is a prime example of the destructive teaching that is happening under the leadership of Bishop Jakes.  He is always looking for the next best thing and the next ear-tickling message to feed his sheep.  What sort of asinine doctrine is this and where is it presented in the Bible?  The speaker made reference to Jakes using Joseph David as examples of favor without labor…which does neither of these Biblical heroes justice.  Joseph went through MANY trials!  He was beaten and sold into slavery by his own brothers.  He was imprisoned after being falsely accused of rape.  He stayed in prison even after those whom he asked to deliver messages to the king forgot about him.  Yet, he was triumphant in that God used his labors and brought good out of them.  The same holds true for David.  Although God’s anointed, David’s family life was destroyed after his affair with Bathsheba.   He lived a life of turmoil as he watched the fabric disintegrate that held his family together.  His son raped his daughter.  One of his sons wanted to kill him and he did not have a peaceful life.  Yet, from this troubled king, God still considered him a man after His own heart and from his lineage, Jesus descended.

The point is simple.  There is no such thing as “favor without the labor”.  Labor is a part of the Christian walk.  This is not the Christian cake walk but the narrow gate that we’re talking about!  The whole idea of favor without labor is exactly what is wrong with Christianity today.  We desire the gifts over the Giver.  We desire the cushy, comfortable life totally ignoring the Apostle Paul’s declaration in Acts 14:22 “Through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God!”

There is no such thing as “favor without the labor”.  We, as Christians, are favored in God’s sight because we are in Christ.  We are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), a chosen generation, we are lights in darkness (Matthew 5:16, Philippians 2:15), we are the children of God (John 1:12), we are heirs to the promises of God (Romans 8:17) we are the brethren of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29) being conformed to His image!  With all of that being said, we are also TARGETS of Satan.  He roams about seeking whom he may devour.  He accuses us daily (Zech 3:1, Revelation 12:10).  I would argue that God’s favor brings with it a certain amount of difficulty BECAUSE our adversary, the devil, hates God and His people!

As Christians, we are called to pick up our cross and follow Jesus.  How is that for favor without labor?  As Christians, we are sifted as wheat (Luke 22:31).  We are hard pressed but not crushed, persuceted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed!  If there were no labor involved in the walk of a Christian, why would our Master Jesus Christ warn us that in THIS world we will have trouble?  Why would HE have labored through so much difficulty if it could be done another way?

If anyone suffers as a Christian, let them not be ashamed (1 Peter 4:16)!  We will suffer loss, persecution and various trials but we KNOW that the testing of our faith develops perseverance!  The tribulations that we encounter, cancer, death, illness, loss, anxiety and any other external pressure creates patience which develops proven character which GIVES US HOPE!  Hope does not disappoint.

The idea of God’s favor being some happy-go-luck state of being is at best naïve and at worst a deceptive and destructive lie used to get people to believe in a God of their own creation.  Jakes has another popular teaching, “favor ain’t fair” in which those with numerous material possessions boast as if they did something to earn them!  Every possession is not necessarily a gift from God.  Some of them are idols.  Furthermore, God’s favor is undeserved so not only do we NOT have any special claim to it, we are only favored because of what the SON has done!  I thank God that the bible tells no such lies but tells us the truth.  This life, the condition of the world and the groaning that happens as a result are all realities but will soon give way to a better reality: the rule and reign of Jesus Christ!  Grace and peace my brothers and sisters.