Monday, October 31, 2011

What God?

There is a scripture that Paul used when defending/explaining/sharing his faith with a group of philosophers and people on Mars Hill in the book of Acts. Paul, in the midst of their skepticism, their arrogance and their lack of spiritual understanding made a profound statement and he used one of their own poets to do so...he said in Acts 17:28 "' for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, 'For we also are His children.'"

Paul talked to men that "understood" God from a very limited intellectual standpoint but they
had no spiritual connection whatsoever to God. They did not know God personally and therefore they even erected a shrine to "an unknown (i.e. unknowable) god". Paul said what you worship as unknown, I now proclaim to you. This is where we are today: men and women that place science on a pedestal in lieu of God. Science is now the "unknown god". They believe they have a better way of explaining how/why the universe works/exists. While I will be the first to admit that we have made significant scientific advances, nothing will ever replace God.

Professor Stephen Hawking now has a NEW theory that supposedly disproves the existence of God. I am always baffled by scientists that constantly try to remove God from the equation. Why is Stephen Hawking, who is unable to do ANY experimentation other than come up with theories, now the authority on God and creation and whether it did or did not happen? He is unable to collect even the smallest shred of empirical evidence to support his claims because of his disability...but he is the most sought after physicist in the world simply because of the thoughts that ramble through his mind. How? I concede that he is a great thinker but he has gone off his rocker, yet again, with this theory. The central notion of his theory is where the big bang occurred. Listen to him versus God? No contest, God wins hands down and has provided me with all the evidence that I need to have faith that He not only exists but He IS the creator of everything.

To many scientists, the notion of God seems preposterous. Yet a "big bang" where everything just
"appeared" and came together makes more sense? According to Hawking, because the big bang
originated in a black hole (his theory, not able to be proven true) where time didn't exist, there was no time for a creator to exist within because time did not exist prior to the “bang”. Does he not realize that GOD EXISTS OUTSIDE OF TIME?! God is not limited by time. This anthropomorphism leads us to a fallacious belief that God is human like us. To ascribe human characteristics to an infinite, all wise and all intelligent was done by writers of the bible in some instances to help us relate to God. But it is a foregone conclusion that God transcends humanity. Always has and always will. OK, so my question is this, WHO CREATED THE BANG? Standing at a board hypothesizing makes more sense than saying that a being that has unlimited intelligence and wisdom created everything? I can only chuckle and think of 1 Corinthians 1 where Paul says the wisdom of God is foolishness to man and vice versa.

According to Hawking, it is entirely possible for the “universe” to create something from nothing without any outside assistance. According to him, the laws of the universe cannot be broken. So why does he claim that a fundamental law of science can be broken by saying that the “universe” can create something from nothing when the First law of thermodynamics says that energy can neither be created nor destroyed? According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy can only change forms so my question is this…if energy can only change forms, WHO changed its original form to cause it to ignite during the big bang- which is proposed to occur from an infinitesimal amount of energy? Now if you add God to that equation, God is ALL powerful and is able to create something from nothing because he is the one that can speak those things that are not as though they are according to Romans 4:17. He is not bound by the laws of the universe.

His theory purports that time doesn't exist within a black hole when NO MAN HAS EVER BEEN INTO A BLACK HOLE, which is totally preposterous to me. Science has very little evidence to support such a claim let alone pass it off as though we should all drop our Bibles and just believe them! Science is a gift from God to allow us to understand the world around us; it is not to be placed above the creator. Are there questions that I want answers to? Yes. Do I disregard all of the empirical evidence that God has provided me in favor of a theory that someone deduced one evening in a room with a white board while having a cup of coffee? I think not. In the passage of time I believe that God will reveal everything that I NEED to know and I am perfectly OK with not understanding everything.

Watching "Curiosity" on the Science channel, I was totally amazed at how atheistic this network is and how relentless they are to remove God from the equation of life. Hawking kept talking about the "laws of nature" removing the need for a "God" but my question is always this...WHO CREATED NATURE? WHO SET THE LAWS IN MOTION? We may not need God to explain nature to us, but we SEE evidence for God in the creation (Romans 1:19). Keep in mind this is the same Stephen Hawking that claimed to believe in God a few years ago and later recanted.

I am a scientist and I cannot simply take man's word over God's word which is the bible. As a scientist, when you say probably about any proposal, you leave room for someone to come behind you and either prove or disprove what you have proposed. So to hear Dr. Hawking pontificate for one hour and then end the show with "there probably is no God and there probably is no heaven or afterlife" is truly amazing. Years of thinking and the best thing that you can come up with is "probably"? I thank God that He is solid and that there is no probably with Him. He is the One who WAS, IS and IS TO COME. He holds all things together by the word of His power. We exist BECAUSE of Him, not in spite of him or outside of Him. The case that Hawking presents is not only not compelling, it scoffs at the notion that everything has a cause and for me and many like me we believe that the cause is God! I refuse to worship at the altar of science. Cosmologists study the universe without ever going into space. We study God and know God through reality and we see God working EVERYDAY. Just out of curiosity, where did the proposed black hole that the big bang occurred in come from?

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