Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Politicians Make Me SICK!

OK, so the purpose of this post is simply to vent my frustrations with the current political landscape and the politicians that are on display running for President of the United States.  I'm watching New Gingrich on television talking about driving gas below $2.50 per gallon.  ALL of the problems that we have in this country, ALL of the unemployment, ALL of the poverty and you get up and talk about gasoline?  How much more contrived can you be.  Looking at this staged event with one asian, one black, one hispanic standing behind him- Gingrich has all the marks of a politician in an election year.  These men make promises that they KNOW they cannot keep- and we swallow it hook, line and sinker...every 4-8 years.  He got up and talked about never bowing to a Saudi king again- yet he spent several years in the House of Representatives and NEVER once thought twice about bowing to a Saudi king...as a matter of fact, he didn't say much of anything of substance while he was taking kickbacks and getting consulting fees from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

I am so tired of politics.  It is now a sport and a popularity contest.  If you look presidential, you can be president.  Republicans have it bad because they are so image concious.  You can be an axe murder, racist, druggie totally devoid of character but once you put on that solid blue suit, white shirt and a solid a metallic colored tie and have a nice haircut and they will be all over you.  How else can the core group of Republicans still worship Ronald Reagan when he served the final time in his second term with Alzheimer's disease?  He is just an image, and they worship him for what?  Because he's the "gipper"?  Where is the substance?  Gingrich certainly leaves a lot to be desired and yet he's still in the race.  All you have to do is look polished and say that you are against abortion and they will vote for you.  None of the Republican candidates offer very many solutions.  Honestly, President Obama is beginning to look more like a politician and less like the grass roots organizer that campaigned in 2008.  Politics is sickening as it is always a game of oneupsmanship and never an effort to do what is best for the people.  What's more sickening is that many of the people that are in office call themselves Christians.  What happens in Washington is so far removed Christianity that it is laughable for anyone there to claim to be Christian with some of the funny business that occurs there.

OK, I've vented.  I'm still frustrated that these candidates present fluff and try to tell us that they aren't lying.  What I've discovered is that in order to solve problems, everyone has to play ball.  Businesses, politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle, the sharks on Wall Street and the people- we have to voice displeasure when those that we elect don't meet our expectations.  There are no magic bullets when it comes to social issues, economic issues or any of the myriad of problems that we face in this country.  When will someone have the courage to say, "hey, this is a very complex issue and there is no black or white answer for it."?  Everyone gets up like they have all the answers when in actuality, they only have opinions that may or may not work.  Please be in prayer that the hearts of the men and women that claim to represent us will be turned in such a way that these people do their jobs with us in mind.

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