Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mom and Mom, Pop and Pop, Pop and Mom

Please humor me in this endeavor to explain why gay marriage is totally ludicrous and why those who are homosexual that, all of a sudden, think that they should be married are only coveting what God has ordained as an exclusive union between a man and a woman.  Marriage was the first institution that God ordained.  He created marriage before the church was even created.  God allowed Adam to name every creature and then the Bible says that there was not ONE suitable as a helper for Adam.  As a side note, this is also a word to say that bestiality is wrong, otherwise Adam could have hooked up with any of the animals that He wanted.  So, the Bible says that, because there was no suitable helper for Adam, the Lord put Adam to sleep, took one of his rib bones and fashioned it into a woman.  Think about the magnificent creative power that it took to take a bone and make it into a person.  Maybe that is a metaphorical reference but the thought of it is still staggering.  The ribcage encases the heart and lungs, both vital organs for survival.

So, after all of the creatures were created and named, God ended up creating Adam's mate from within the first body that He created.  He created them co-equally but that didn't last because of sin.  Sin had consequences and repercussions that led to the woman being made subject to the man.  That's another blog post but here is the thing, God created a mate for Adam that Adam named...drum roll please...WO-man, because SHE came out of man.  The Hebrew word for woman is ishshah which means female.  That alone is enough common sense for me to say that marriage should be between a male and a female.  But again, that's just me.

The people that would pervert marriage are doing so based on emotional love.  Love based on feelings and not deep and spiritual love that comes from God.  Adam's love while it may have had an emotional component, was also spiritual because he was intimately connected with this woman.  She came out of his own body.  In my opinion, marriage and happiness occurs when a man's rib bone returns to him i.e. when the helper that God created as suitable for him is sent to him by God or he is sent to her by God.

So, when Mom and Mom show up at the steps of the courthouse, is this a man and his missing rib bone coming together?  No, it is two rib bones that belong somewhere else.  When Pop and Pop show up at the Justice of the Peace to get hitched, is this a man and his missing rib bone coming together?  No, it is two people, both missing rib bones that belong somewhere else.  The biblical definition of marriage is very simple and has been held up for is between a man and his rib bone, or a man and a WO-man.  Very simple.

Children that are thrust into these selfish relationships are destined to be confused regarding human sexuality.  How can you walk into your school with Mom and Mom?  Which one is Dad?  If Pop and Pop show up, which one is Mom?  God gave Adam certain equipment and Eve certain equipment meant to make them fruitful and make them such that they could multiply and populate the earth when their equipment was brought together.  Not only that, but God made the experience pleasurable for all involved!  Now, when Pop and Pop get together, their equipment is the same- there are no eggs to fertilize and therefore no fruitfulness nor any multiplication...that's not natural.  When Mom and Mom get together, one is strapped up and the other is a hapless vessel or they pleasure each other a different way...again not natural.  The operative word is pleasure.  Yes, there may be pleasure, but there is no fruitfulness nor is there any multiplication.  It stands to reason that these relationships only based on two people pursuing pleasure and not pursuing what God intended.  So the children are adopted, unwittingly, into automatically dysfunctional situations between two selfish people that are only together to satisfy their own pleasures.

Speaking of pleasures, I was recently listening author Sherif Girgis, the author of "What is Marriage?: A Man and a Woman" (What is Marriage?) and co-author of an excellent article in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy (Girgis, Sherif, George, Robert and Anderson, Ryan T., What is Marriage? (November 23, 2012). Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 245-287, Winter 2010. [PDF of article], who made a great point that marriage is more than pleasure and romantic love.  Marriage is not simply based on pleasure although there is great pleasure in marriage.  But one should never enter into marriage because of physical or even emotional pleasure.  It is more than that.  The physical and emotional parts play a big role, but they wear out and if the "love" is only based on that, when the ability to be physically pleasing fades and the emotions turn from gooey and mushy to angry...what happens then?  Marriage must contain both Agape and Eros love in order to be sustainable and to be real.  It cannot be all eros, but Mom and Mom and Pop and Pop are only interested in eros, pleasure and that's it.

What's my point.  I am wholeheartedly FOR Mom and Pop and wholeheartedly against Mom and Mom and Pop and Pop.  It's that simple.  If Mom and Mom and Pop and Pop want to get hitched, don't use the term marriage because that is based on the biblical definition of a man and a woman coming together in an exclusive union.  Are there problems in marriage, absolutely.  Are heterosexual marriages perfect?  No.  But what a person does with what God has ordained does not change the fact that God ordained it, God still holds it in high esteem and God's views have not changed.  God still views marriage as between a man and a woman.  Yes culture has shifted, but God is not like a shifting shadow.  He is constant and everlasting.  If God ever changed, that would mean that He would cease to be God.  It's not going to happen.  He doesn't have to line up with us, we have to line up with Him through Christ.

Even with this long diatribe, there is not a bone in my body that hates, despises or has any contempt for anyone of a different sexual orientation.  I love all of my brothers and sisters.  It is my sincere prayer that folks come to their senses and realize the error of their ways and realize that all of us are sinners in need of God's grace.  Some people's sins are more public than others, but we are all trapped in a battle with our flesh.  May God bless and keep you as you continue on this Christian journey. 

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