The Bible is God's progressive revelation of Himself to mankind. The reason that the Bible is such an important book is because God shows His attributes, His character, His love and His wisdom throughout. Anyone who reads the Bible understands at least two things: 1. We can never fully understand everything in it and 2. The more we read it, the more we learn about who God actually is. One of the themes that has become apparent to me in my studies is the theme of God's redemptive purpose continually being played out in historical context.
If we begin with Adam and Eve, they were in Eden and had complete freedom. They also had a relationship with God that was quite amiable. When they sinned, this relationship and the fellowship that went along with it was fractured. They were removed from Eden and cherubim and a flaming sword which moved in all directions was placed at the gate to guard it and to keep them from coming back (Genesis 3:24). It is from this point that we see the redemptive interaction between God and man begin to take place.
We can see it with Abraham (Genesis 11). He was led away from Ur and into Canaan. The same Canaan that the next great leader, Moses would begin to lead Abraham's descendants into. Seeing this and hearing God's promise "I will give this land to your offspring" paints a beautiful picture and creates an analogy that we can draw from. God bringing the Israelites into Canaan is His way of saying, I will bring my people home.
When the Exodus occurred, Moses led the people and God led Moses. God used a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day to lead His people where He would have them to go. He was leading them out of the darkness of slavery into the light of His goodness and blessings. Again we see God leading from a bad situation into a better situation. We see the same thing with Joshua, who was commissioned to lead the people into the Promised Land when Moses was not allowed to because of his disobedience (See Numbers 20:12)
One thing we can see from the time in the wilderness to the time that the Israelites actually spent in Canaan, they were never satisfied. Therefore, the need for a more permanent solution was evident. Not only was God's solution permanent, it IS eternal. What the first Adam seemingly ruined the Second Adam, Jesus Christ rectified. Jesus is the permanent redemptive solution and it is His blood that reconciles sinners back to God. Jesus promised eternal life to all who believe in Him. If we look at this promise through the lens of history, we see that Jesus is the bridge back to Eden. He is the one who can quench the flaming sword and give us entrance into the paradise that God intended for us from the beginning. In John 14:3, Jesus says "If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also." Jesus also says in John 8:12 "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life." Jesus is our Redeemer, Deliverer and the Prince (Author) of Life!
Can you see the parallel? Can you see Jesus as the "Prince" or leader who is guiding his followers through this dark world back to the place where God initially intended for us to be? The redemption and reconciliation came through His blood and we are now able to enter paradise! Jesus is saying to those who are still longing for Egypt, FOLLOW ME! If you are reading this and you are not saved, Jesus Christ wants to lead you out of darkness. He wants to save your soul. All He asks is that we follow Him.
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