Thursday, November 17, 2011

From Big Bang to Evolution...

I am not a proponent of evolution.  I  am a strong advocate of creation.  Creation itself is a difficult undertaking considering that there are "old-earth" creationists that call for a kairological reading of Genesis and "young earth" creationists that say that the earth was created with the appearance of age.  The young earth stance doesn't resolve the issue of dinosaurs and other pre-historic data that say that the earth has been here for millions of years.  I think I fall somewhere in the middle of these two views. 

Science has waged war against those that they label as "creationists" with the singular shout that there is NO God and therefore there is no Creator!  Many scientists believe that all that we see rose from a primordial ooze that contained all of the genetic material necessary to create every life form on earth.  This is where I have a problem.  While I can agree on the big bang, which is a very important occurrence to scientists, I cannot agree that life sprang from  a single cell amoeba.

The reason that I cannot submit to the evolutionary mindset is quite simple.  If the solar system, the planets and the earth all came out of the big bang- and the amoeba, that lived on this planet, and from which all life, according to evolutionists, sprang from-- it stands to reason that the amoeba also came out of the big bang and began the evolutionary process to become monkeys, dogs, fruit flies and eventually man.  I am not saying that these evolved from one another, simply that the single celled organism became ALL of these, according to evolutionists. 

Here is my position on what was discussed in the previous paragraph.  The big bang began from an infinitesimal amount of energy and that energy was converted into matter.  That energy contained no information, though.  Energy and information are two distinctly different things.  Information is "the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence" whereas energy is "is the capacity of a physical system to perform work".  The energy that existed at the beginning of time was more than likely, light.  Of course, other forms of energy such as heat and kinetic energy existed as well.

Why am I making such a big deal about energy and information?  Because if the amoeba came from the same informationless energy that everything else came from, where did the genetic information within the amoeba come from?  How is it that evolutionists can claim that all life evolved from this amoeba and yet the amoeba couldn't have contained any information because the matter from which it was constructed was informationless?  Energy is material.  Einstein's theory of relativity equates energy with the mass of an object multiplied but the square of the speed of light (E = mc^2).  The energy of a photon of light is Planck's constant multiplied by the frequency of the radiation in question (E = hv).  

Now, let's consider information which is immaterial.  Information may be known about matter, but there is no information in matter- unless of course, the information is implanted by an outside source.  We can describe matter but matter cannot describe itself.  We can know the size, speed, velocity, acceleration etc. but they are all calculated from the outside.  So again, the question can be raised, where did the genetic information that the amoeba possessed come from?

In order for the amoeba, which would by default come from the same matter that everything else came from at the seminal moment of the "bang", to contain any information, it would have to be implanted from an outside source.   This is my beef with evolution being placed over creation.  There is a thought experiment that tries to link energy and information which is commonly called Maxwell's Demon.  Images depicting this thought experiment are shown below.

According to this thought experiment developed by James Clerk Maxwell [a Christian who believed in creation], there is a way to violate the second law of thermodynamics.  The image shown consists of two containers, one housing hot particles and the other housing cold particles.  The hot particles, moving at a higher velocity as evidenced by their temperature pass through the "trap door" which is operated by the "demon".  As he allows hot particles to the cool side, the hot side begins to cool down and the cool side begins to heat up- thereby transferring information about temperature from one side to the other.  The way that this violates the second law of thermodynamics is that the sides, according to the second law, should reach an equilibrium and reach the same temperature and not exchange conditions i.e. hot side becoming cold and cold side becoming hot.  Also, by some of the hot particles escaping, the entropy of the hot side is decreasing.  To his credit, Maxwell admitted that this could only happen if a "being that could do what we (humans) could not do" and if this being is able to follow "every molecule in its course".  This is only a thought experiment and there are several real, physical factors that preclude a system like this from every being set up (for a good analysis of this idea, see (  The conclusion: there is no information in energy therefore no information can be transferred between energy.  There has also been an "experiment" conducted that concludes that there IS indeed a way for information  be transformed into energy (  After reading the article however, it is quite clear that the outside information input drove the experiment and the authors didn't actually convert information into energy.

Interestingly enough, many of the proponents of such a system like Maxwell's demon do not find it difficult to believe in a demon sitting by a trap door letting hot molecules pass through. It is commendable that Maxwell himself was actually a Christian. What they do find difficult is believing in a God that not only provides and produces energy and matter via creation, He also endows that matter with information that tells it what it is. When God created man in His image, God gave man specific traits and characteristics. When God created animals etc., each of them was endowed with specific genetic information that made them different. There was no amoeba, there was a Creator with the intelligence and the wisdom to create everything that we see around us acording to its own kind.  The genetic code of every living thing did not originate within a single celled organism but within the mind of the Great Architect of the Universe. Scientists that dispute this fact are simply living in denial of the truth. There is no information within energy unless it is implanted by an intelligent being. God is that being.

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