So, after toying with the idea for quite sometime, I have finally made the decision to bury Facebook. For many, Facebook is an idol god that is worshipped via i-Phone, Blackberry, Android or the plain ol' desktop. What solidified my decision to leave Facebook was a combination of 1. getting tired of having to decipher ebonics 2. having the liberty to "not have to read it" which some smart aleck would undoubtedly and eventually comment 3. I spend way too much time there and it's just time for something different and 4. If I am only interested in things that are spitirually edifying, why should I continue to mix light and darkness?
So, blogging is free, I usually write stuff that is too long for a status (lol) and this gives ME the autonomy and control to post whatever I want to post, whenever I want to post it. I don't have to scroll past naked pictures, babymama drama tirades, babydaddy bashing, profanity laced jokes or look at food on styrofoam plates ever again. I feel quite liberated. I thank God for leading me in this direction and for His Spirit pushing me to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.
With that being said, I pray that anyone that visits will find this blog uplifting, informative and challenging. So long to being a "pew" Christian- we all need to challenge ourselves to live out God's Word and to be a light to others. There is so much "blending in" in society. We spend our entire Christian lives with one foot in the Kingdom of God and one foot in the kingdom of the "prince of the air". There are also a lot of so-called politicians that try to politicize Christianity but end up generalizing it to the point of it simply becoming religion. Some of their views are valid but the ultimate measure of a Christian is not whether or not you read Harry Potter but whether or not you would feed Harry Jackson if you passed him hungry on the street. It's not whether or not you are pro-life, but that are you pro-Christ! You don't bomb abortion clinics, you witness to those inside and show their sin to them through God's word. You don't walk up to abortion doctors and kill them in church, you show that doctor the error in his ways through the Word of God.
Please pray for me as I embark on this new endeavor. May God bless you and keep you, may He make His face shine upon you. May He be gracious to you and give you peace. One love.
Ok I LOL-ed @ styrofoam plates!!! So true. But wanted to report that I've joined you in your decision. Mine is probably temporary though. Need some fresh air!! That salt and light scripture just gets me. FB can be grimey and against all that I stand for at times, but if I can uplift one then to me it's worth it. Personal preference and conviction.
ReplyDeleteGREAT BLOGS!! Enjoyed them all.
Thanks so much SD! I enjoy your insight. I've read your blog as well, very good stuff. Please continue to visit and keep me in your prayers. I pray that you get all the fresh air that you need! God bless you.