Monday, November 7, 2011

What Influence are You Under?

While driving home from work, I received some very sobering news about a person close to me.  When I received this news, I didn't look for an escape route from life nor did I seek shelter from some illicit activity.  I did what I always do when I get bad news, I turn to God and smile and say "God, I know that you are in control and that all things are under your supervision.  Work with this situation as only you can."

Many times, some other outlet is sought to deal with anxiety or pressure.  Some turn to alcohol.  Other turn to narcotics.  Some use sex as a means of escape.  Whenever any of these routes is chosen, we have to ask what the motivation is.  None of these things can actually fix the problem- they really worsen it because once you come back to reality you realize that you've participated in an activity that had zero benefit.  Not only that, being under the influence of some foreign substance takes you out of your mind.  I can recall the days when I drank heavily- not as an escape, but because I actually enjoyed drinking.  I remember some of the decisions that I made and some of the words that I muttered.  Many of the things that I did and said were bad decisions that ended up hurting people.  Is this any way to endure a situation?  Does being under the influence of a foreign substance make things any better?  All you do is end up saying hurtful things, doing stupid things and tuning out mentally.  Your emotions are deadened and you actually miss what God is doing through that situations.  Trials develop perseverance, perseverance develops proven character and proven character develops hope (Romans 5:4)!  If you are high or tuned out, how will God get glory?  How will you see the spiritual growth that follows every trial?

There is an alternative.  The Spirit of God has an influence on us and can put us in a position of being able to rest on God's divine strength.  God's spirit can put words in our mouth that we did not know were inside of us.  He can give us peace and calm in the middle of the worst storm.  God's Spirit is not called the "comforter" or the "paraclete" by chance.  Those words describe one of His roles in the lives of believers- he is the encourager of the weak!  In our weakest moments, God is strong.  The bible says in Ephesians 5:18-20 says simply "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, 19speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; 20always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father..."  It is important to note that dissipation (asotia) here refers to literally "without saving" or something that is worthless or unsalvageable.  Therefore the alternative to this is to be filled with the Spirit.  When we are, we are able to speak to one another in hymns and songs and we are able to bless God and thank Him in ALL things!

I don't know about you, but I'd rather be under the influence of the Spirit of God so that at the opportune moment I may speak grace to those that need to hear it.  Pray that you follow the influence of the Spirit and that the other seductive spirits do not drive you away from God in times of crisis.  May God bless you and keep you, may He make His face shine upon you--may He be gracious to you and give you peace.

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