Friday, January 6, 2012

Enough IS Enough Already!

I recently encountered an article ( that says that California has passed a law MANDATING that children be taught of the contributions of gay and lesbian (why is there a distinction if they are ALL homosexuals?) people to U.S. History.  I am dumbfounded and baffled.  I am not homophobic, I don't hate gay people but this is TOTALLY RIDICULOUS.  I have never seen a bunch of folks that are more paranoid, narcissistic and selfish in my life. 

These are the MOST confused folks that I have ever witnessed.  They have more designations than Wal-Mart has brands of milk.  I recently heard that they have added a new letter to their already growing list of characters.  LGBT is now LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and, drum roll please.....Queer).  What a joke.  What I see is a bunch of people scrambling to make themselves into a separate and favored class of citizens.  Not based on racial discrimination or religious persecution but because they CHOOSE to gratify an unnatural desire for the same sex.  YES, I said it, it is unnatural.  The "I was born this way" reply to questions of sexual orientation/preference can be refuted with scripture in that Psalms 51 says that we are all born into sin.  Biology or no biology, which the evidence for actually being born gay is scant at best, it is still a sin and it is no more grave than any other sin.  We are ALL sinners, therefore we don't need to create a special class for certain sinners when we will ALL be judged by the same God!

If we must teach children of gay history, then we also need to reinstitute Christian history as well.  We also need to reinstitute prayer in the schools.  The same way that gay people are freaking out about not being "included", I would be freaking out too as a parent if my child had to attend a school that put a special emphasis on homosexuality.  I would immediately yank my son and my daughter from such a place.  This is hilarious to me because these are the same people that are angry at Christians for wanting to share their faith and wanting to pray in schools and wanting to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.  These are the people that rebuke and scorn Christians for being against a lifestyle that is totally antithetical to the Christian value system- yet they want people to make a concession and now aggrandize their lifestyle? 

In all sincerity, whether a person is gay or not had absolutely NOTHING to do with whatever their contribution to society was.  I wonder if we can use J. Edgar Hoover as an example- will they include him?  How about Adolf Hitler?  The whole idea stinks.  It reeks of narcissism and pride.  Let people's accomplishments stand on their own merits.  Being gay is nothing special.  It is certainly nothing to blast to the world.  Only in our athesitic,  laissez-faire society has this now become the "in-thing".  Enough is Enough already!  The same uneasiness that you all feel when you perceive that Christians are trying to "shove their religion down your throat" is the same way that Christians feel when you take EVERY possible opportunity to let everyone in the entire cosmos know that you are gay.  If you are gay, that's your own business.  Don't invade Disney on the first week of June and expose unsuspecting patrons to the foolishness and the debauchery of your so-called "gay days" celebration (I have witnessed this first hand and I must say that it was quite uncomfortable for me to see all of these flaming men and boyish women- especially the "couples" that had children who have not been given a chance to choose their own lifestyle).  Don't try to enact special laws so that we recognize you.  And please do not equate your "cause" with the civil rights movement.  Black people in America were forced here as slaves and the treatment we endured was not because of a sexual choice that we made, it was because there was no escaping the color of our skin AND the bigotry, arrogance and hatred of some Whites/Eurpoeans.  The perception of racial superiority fueled the mistreatment of Africans and African-Americans in this country.  There has been no such event in the  gay community.  That is borderline blasphemy to even equate the two situations, again stemming from a narcissistic attitude and overly inflated self image.  People do not dislike the gay lifestyle because they think that they are superior to you, they dislike it because it does not fit with their sensibilities.  White supremacy and racism are based on a hatred of people of a certain race or ethnicity- something that cannot be changed and is not a choice.  The so-called gay community is made up of all ethnicities so there is no way to equate racism with the anti-gay movement.

Humility is always the best way to present your case.  Just live your lives.  Stop wasting energy trying to force people to accept something that is not natural to them.  What gay people do not seem to understand is that real Christians do not hate you.  I don't.  It is the lifestyle that is not acceptable to people nor is it acceptable to God, whose opinion carries a whole lot more weight than mine.  It is foreign to people and it always has been.  I don't and I can't hate people.  As a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ it would be against everything that Jesus taught to hate people.  I do not have to accept your lifestyle, however.  The same way that I don't have to accept anyone's lifestyle that openly or secretly lives in willful sin.  I don't have to like it because I have that choice.  It also clashes head on with my Christian beliefs.  It is my prayer that the gay crusaders see the hypocrisy in their actions.  They scorn Christians and yet are guilty of the same thing.  Even those so-called radical Christians that rant against gay people need to check their agenda.  Their rantings are based on hatred many times.  Many of them only rant because someone told them to rant and yet they are not seeking to minister to anyone.  Sometimes it is their own self-hatred and the need to disguise their own personal leanings, especially in the cases of Ted Haggard and Eddie Long, that these people denounce homosexuality.   

This is not intended as a "hate" speech but simply to say that being gay does not make you a special class of citizens.  You are subject to the same things as everyone else and it is my prayer that you read this and seek a true knowledge of Christ Jesus.  Sin is sin and to legislate sin does not take away from its sinfulness.  Stop trying to indoctrinate little kids in schools that have a choice and were not "born this way" into your lifestyle.  Stop trying to force us to accept your behavior if we do not agree with it.  Being a Christian is a choice.  When the gospel is preached, you can accept it or reject it.  If you reject it, Christ commands the one that delivered the message to shake the dust off and move on.  Please shake the dust off and move on because I will not accept the rhetoric and the grandstanding that is taking place to legitimize homosexuality.  I pray that the folks that are fighting this in California fight it with the love of Christ and not with hatred in their hearts.  I also pray that the ones that are trying to push this agenda through the California educational system wake up and see that it is wrong to do that.  Enough is Enough already.


  1. OOO. emmm. geee!! You need to seriously consider publishing this SOMEWHERE outside of a google blog. I am so serious.

    Course they would still label you a hatemonger, regardless to how many times you stated and restated that you DON'T and CAN'T hate anyone. lol&smh

  2. Lol. That article really threw me for a loop. And I agree, this would still be labeled as some sort of "hate" simply because I am telling the truth and sometimes the truth stings a bit. Thanks for reading...

  3. I believe that spirits that monitor homosexuality are the strongest spirits out there, which is why it's so tough for homosexuals to break free.

    Great article!
