Monday, May 7, 2012

The Age of Enlightenment

2012 has been a year of supreme technological advancement.  Cars that give 50 miles to the gallon.  Televisions and satellite components that allow you to watch whatever you want whenever you want.  The i-phone allows every person to have their own personal secretary.  Tablets allow us to watch movies whenever we are ready and even find free WiFi spots so that we don't use up our data plan mega/gigabytes. 

As a professor and an avid fan of the human race, I find it quite funny that for all of the technological advancement that we have made, the students that I encounter on a daily basis are less and less intellectually adept.  They have a $600 dollar gizmo in one hand, an earbud in one ear and water on the brain.  I saw a student this morning totally zoned out while engaged with her telephone.  The enlightenment that kids get nowadays is from the glow of their phones and not from the knowledge that is inside of books or even inside of information that is readily accessible through any number of "apps" that are available at their fingertips.  The glow from a handheld device may illuminate the exterior but it is doing absolutely nothing to enhance the mental acuity of the average student.  Every app is a potential brain drainer and time waster.  30 minutes spent playing angry birds could be spent reading something worthwhile.

Don't let the only enlightenment that you get be the dull glow of a smartphone reflecting off of your face.  There is so much to be had and so much to gain by exploring the world and also from getting a great education.  With the systematic destruction of the school system as we know it and the dumbing down of America, use the technology before you to push yourself to your highest potential.  Or better yet, let the enlightenment that you receive be that of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.  His glow is one that never fades and one that is clearly visible to all that encounter you.  Peace and Blessings.

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