Friday, May 11, 2012

The Wrong Advocate

I was listening to a radio program today and the topic was, of course, gay marriage.  Rob Redding played a clip today from Roland Martin's (Bryant on Roland Martin's Show) show and low and behold- who's speaking out against President Obama's stance on gay marriage...Jamal Harrison Bryant!

Two points to make my point abundantly clear- First, I am totally against gay marriage, civil unions, homosexuality of any form and sin in general.  Read any of my blog posts on this subject to be clear.  Secondly, every preacher in America that calls themselves Christian should have the exact same stance when it comes to sin.  It should not be tolerated, period.  I don't nor will I ever hate anyone that is gay- but the gay lifestyle is detestable to me and it is antithetical to my Christian beliefs and worldview.

Now, Bryant gets on Martin's show and he says that any preacher that doesn't oppose the president should be sat down.  He also said ""I absolutely, vehemently disagree with the president," Bryant told Martin. "I agree with his presidency, but with this policy, I do not agree. Marriage is the original institution of the church."

OK.  While Bryant and I can agree that this is a terrible decision by President Obama to endorse homosexual marriage, HE is the one that really needs to sit down.  Marriage is indeed the first institution of GOD, not the church and judging from his own indiscretions, he doesn't respect marriage at all either.  If you think he does, check the children fathered by him through adulterous relationships and ask his divorced wife if he respects the institution of marriage. 

Bryant also said something to the effect that a pastor that doesn't speak out against this decision is not qualified to be a pastor.  Another somewhat  true statement- no matter how liberal your theology is, gay marriage is flat out anti-biblical.  BUT I would add that ANY pastor that is living actively and openly in a sinful lifestyle is also not qualified to be a pastor.  Bryant should be the last one to speak of the pastoral qualifications of anyone.  Whether it's the bogus Oxford degree, the man-centered gospel preached at Empowerment Temple, the lavish lifestyle, the adulterous relationships or any number of transgressions, this brother needs to be sitting down somewhere getting his mind renewed.  He's truly the wrong person to be out in the spotlight saying anything about anyone.  His arrogance however, won't let him sit down because he loves attention.

I am not bashing brother Bryant and I pray that he has repented of his deeds- because they are reprehensible for a Christian and doubly for a preacher.  He does not need to be the voice of the Black church right now- we need a true advocate for holiness, which is what this issue boils down to.  We don't need attacks on the gay community or violence or anything else that would besmirch the Christian cause.  We need prayer and sound teaching on the subject of homosexuality.  Demonization of gays won't fix the problem because their sin is no worse than yours and mine.  The problem is spiritual blindness on the part of those that advocate the gay lifestyle as normal and the ones that are most vocal at making homosexuality mainstream and acceptable.  We need prayer as a nation, our President needs prayer as one who calls himself a Christian and we need to be seeking a closer relationship with Christ as we enter into a very dark period of American history.  Let us pray that a true advocate will step forward and replace Mr. Bryant- one that the media will not have a field day with picking apart their past and present.

Grace and Peace

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