What we have in the church is a failure to communicate. Churches all across America do not really understand the sovereignty of God, the holiness of God, the grace of God or the forgiving power of God. Churches, more specifically, pastors of churches are lacking clear communication between themselves and God. The pastor, the under-shepherd, the one that works for Jesus is accountable to God and to man. James says it very plainly that we should not all rush to be teachers because teachers incur a more severe punishment. Too many pastors have not only rushed to be teachers, but are not even qualified to clean up the paper from the sanctuary. I don't mean that in a condescending way, I mean it in the most serious way possible. Men and even women have sneaked in and preyed upon hapless, non-discerning, happy-happy, joy-joy congregations and have made a mess of the church!
There is nothing new under the sun, but the instant access to information over the internet and various media outlets has made us aware of heinous crimes committed by so-called men of the cloth. Priests raping and sodomizing young boys, Grown men tempting and abusing young women, pastors paying young men for sex, pastors abusing authority and committing adultery, pastors stealing money from the church, pastors lying from the pulpit and the list could go on forever! The problem is there are too many glory thieves out here; Too many more concerned with performance than with salvation and spiritual growth. There are too many that are not actually delivered from sin and there are way too many that are not walking under the blood of Jesus! The bible tells us that there will be men that come in unawares, that take advantage of widows, that sneak in destructive heresies, that prophesy falsely, that love money and that are destined for destruction (for a more thorough treatment, see 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, 1 Peter, Jude, 2 Peter, 2 Corinthians 3,4,11,12).
When you look at the condition of our nation, the church does not look very different from what's going on outside the of the church. Music has become more secularized, money and "growth" have replaced spiritual growth and worship of God, attitudes about God have become indifferent or even apathetic and people no longer believe that there is any good in the world. Many leaders have shamed God openly and have also brought shame to the body of Christ! Therefore, when someone is looking for a place to come into from the cold, they bypass the church because of the hypocrisy of the lifestyles of many church leaders. The leader is not to be perfect but he is to be above reproach (1 Timothy 3:2). 1 Thess 5:22 says that we are to abstain from evil. The King James says to abstain from even the appearance of evil!
Situations like the killings going on in Chicago would not happen if churches were able to mobilize and meet these young men and women where they are and minister to them. But the church is absent and Louis Farrakhan has stepped in to proselytize and convert young men and women to Islam. Am I saying that what Farrakhan is doing is not noble, not in the least. Someone has to step in and stand in the gap. But where are the churches? The church has lost a measure of respect because too many are concerned only with preaching and degrees and not enough are concerned about souls and outreach. The church has lost a measure of respect because too many leaders have used the cloak of grace to justify doing wrong, only to turn around and judge others for the same things! Some churches would much rather send money overseas than feed the homeless right there in their own community. There are many that do both and I have no beef with foreign missions, but we have a mission field right here in America that is starving and destitute of God's Word!
I know that God is not sleeping. I understand that some of these things have to happen because they were prophesied from long ago. But it is very disheartening to see this happening to the church. It makes my heart bleed when attacks from atheists and other groups that are vocal against the church have the appearance of being justified because there is truth to some of what they are saying about the church. However, I do know that there are good men and women that are doing positive things in communities, living lives of faith, living lives of holiness and yet they get overshadowed by the misbehaving of others.
In closing, it is my sincere prayer that the people that make up the body of Christ wake up and begin to live out the eternal plan that God put in place before time began (Ephesians 3). The church should be a place where God is glorified, not something that should cause Him to be horrified. It should be a place where strongholds are torn down, not where people are torn down. The church should be a reflection of God's love to the world. It should be a reflection of God's purity and holiness to the world. I am old enough and wise enough to know that there is no such thing as the perfect church. Every church has issues but there are certain things that should not be named among the church or carried out by those leaders that are supposed to equip the church. Pray with me for the leaders of God's flocks all over this nation. Pray that the good leaders will remain humble and will glorify God by their actions. Pray with me that the bad ones would step away and repent of their sins and stop being a stumbling block to others on the path to righteousness. God bless you.