People really crack me up. Especially the attention seeking, narcissists that call themselves the LGBTQ community. I know it seems like all I write about is nowadays is the homosexual revolution but honestly, homosexuality and atheism are the two most vocal outside threats to Christianity in 2012. As one that contends for the faith that was once handed down, I have no choice but to attack this issue head on.
In this economy, you would think that anyone who wants to open a legitimate business in any location would be received with warmth and gratitude. I mean, with so much focus on job creation, even 100 jobs created would be excellent for folks that live in areas that are hard hit by unemployment. So the owner of Chick-Fil-A wants to open new restaurants in Boston and in Chicago. However, he has met resistance in these places because of his support of TRADITIONAL marriage between a man and a woman. He did not tell homosexuals what they could or couldn't do, he did not tell them that they are living outside of God's will by living in willful sin...he didn't say anything except that he supports marriage between a man and a woman.
So, an alderman in Chicago, Joe Moreno, blocked Chick-Fil-A's attempt to open a location in the 1st ward. With the rampant crime in Chicago, the exorbitant unemployment rate and other dire factors, wouldn't a business that creates jobs be something good? I am certain that this was strictly a political move but Alderman Moreno says that he does not want a business in his ward that discriminates against any sector of the population. Are you serious? So, Dan Cathy says that he doesn't support gay marriage and that's tantamount to discrimination? When will the DRAMA end!? This is certainly an OMG moment if there ever was one. Now, anyone that doesn't agree with gay marriage is practicing discrimination? He didn't say that he would not hire or allow gays to eat in his restaurant, he is simply standing on his convictions, biblical convictions nonetheless. The violence in Chicago is so bad until any jobs that would potentially put black youth to work could drop the murder rate. I was listening to GW on the Hill yesterday and Phillip Jackson, founder of the Black Star Project (Black Star Project) indicated that the unemployment rate among black youth 18-25 years of age in Chicago is currently around 90%!
Boston's mayor has followed suit and even wrote a letter to Chick-Fil-A voicing his displeasure with Mr. Cathy's stance on gay marriage. Boston is another area that could use an influx of jobs and Chick-Fil-A would most definitely provide much needed jobs. Why do these politicians sell out to appease gay rights activists? Is there really even such a thing as gay rights? Don't even think about equating your fight to pleasure yourself with the fight for civil rights-- that is blatant disrespect! The only rights that truly matter are human rights-- that is what the civil rights movement did, they fought for the human rights of African Americans in this country. They were not whining because someone wouldn't accept their lifestyle, they fought and bled because we were treated inhumanely and were not allowed the basic freedoms that belong to every American citizen.
There is no discrimination in standing on convictions formed from a biblical basis! What Mr. Cathy did is what any Christian should do, not be conformed to the ways of this world but be transformed by the renewing of his/her mind. Mr. Cathy gave the correct Christian response to the current cultural pressure to blend in and accept what the residents of Sodom are doing as normal and acceptable in the sight of God! I wrote on this before and I will say it again, there is nothing normal about homosexuality (Enough is Enough). It goes against nature. You don't see male lions with other male lions, or female iguanas with other female iguanas etc. It is an anomaly and it is a sin just like any other sin.
Why is the gay community receiving so much attention and why are they so adamant about shoving their rhetoric down our collective throats? Next, pedophiles are going to be petitioning for the right to take young boys and girls as their spouses. Child porn advocates are going to petition for their right to take as many pictures as they want of innocent little children. Murderers are going to push for the right to legalize murder. Caving in to the demands of perverse individuals that are pursuing unnatural lusts will only encourage those that have similar unnatural lusts to be more vocal as well. I refuse to cow-tow to these people. While I love them and any other sinner with the love of Christ, some of the gripes are ridiculous and the amount of influence that they have over politicians that are supposed to serve ALL of their constituents and not a special interest group is even more ridiculous!
I hope that Mr. Moreno has an answer for unemployed people in his district or in the case of Boston Mayor Michael Menino, his entire city of people, that would have benefited from a brand new business being there. Construction workers that would have done the fabrication, plumbers to do the plumbing, carpenters, day laborers, brick masons, flooring experts, fountain drink vendors and of course the employees that would eventually be gainfully employed by Chick-Fil-A. Although the gay vote may turn out and support the Alderman in Chicago and the Mayor of Boston, who's going to be there for these men when they have to face their Creator? Will Jesus vote for them when it's time for them to stand before the Great White Throne? I'm sorry but I cannot sell out to gain a few friends here on earth when eternity is at stake.
It is not discrimination to stand up for what you believe in. If your views are biblically based and theologically sound, stand up for them. Someone might counter by saying that slavery was enforced and upheld largely because of the good ol' Christian folks used the bible to justify it. Well, the view on slavery was not theologically sound nor was it based on a proper interpretation of the bible. God actually forbade the mistreatment of slaves and indentured servants in Deuteronomy (23:15,16; 25:14,15) and there is also New Testament evidence for the treatment of slaves (Ephesians 6:5-9) but these scriptures were improperly treated and used to justify lording slavery over a mostly illiterate population of slaves, with no access to the bible, in colonial America. The bible teaches us to love God above all else and to love our neighbors as ourselves. That's about as simple as you can put it.
I will stand up for biblical truth! The bible says that the cultural renegades that want to ride the wave of gay pride are WRONG and Christians are not WRONG for disagreeing with them. Let them scream and yell about this faux discrimination but in the end, we will see who is proven right. There is a discrimination that is coming, when the wheat and chaff is separated and the sheep and goats are separated...that's true discrimination and there is no argument that any man or special interest group can make to dispute it. You may stop Chick-Fil-A from building a restaurant but no one will stop God from rendering judgment on the unrepentant sinner. Repent or run the risk of being discriminated against permanently!
Amen my brother. Good biblical thoughts. Could not agree with you more.
ReplyDeleteHey Brother Ken! Thanks for stopping by and sharing some of your time with me. I hope to see you all soon! May God bless you and your entire family.