Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Favor Without the Labor

This video clip was taken from the Facebook page of the Potter’s House where Bishop T.D. Jakes is the Pastor.  Although pixelated to conceal the identity of the speaker [I have no beef with them as they are only speaking what they are being taught] as well as other information that was on my feed at the time, I can attest that the video was not altered in any way, shape or form other than repeating the last phrase for emphasis only.
Here is a prime example of the destructive teaching that is happening under the leadership of Bishop Jakes.  He is always looking for the next best thing and the next ear-tickling message to feed his sheep.  What sort of asinine doctrine is this and where is it presented in the Bible?  The speaker made reference to Jakes using Joseph David as examples of favor without labor…which does neither of these Biblical heroes justice.  Joseph went through MANY trials!  He was beaten and sold into slavery by his own brothers.  He was imprisoned after being falsely accused of rape.  He stayed in prison even after those whom he asked to deliver messages to the king forgot about him.  Yet, he was triumphant in that God used his labors and brought good out of them.  The same holds true for David.  Although God’s anointed, David’s family life was destroyed after his affair with Bathsheba.   He lived a life of turmoil as he watched the fabric disintegrate that held his family together.  His son raped his daughter.  One of his sons wanted to kill him and he did not have a peaceful life.  Yet, from this troubled king, God still considered him a man after His own heart and from his lineage, Jesus descended.

The point is simple.  There is no such thing as “favor without the labor”.  Labor is a part of the Christian walk.  This is not the Christian cake walk but the narrow gate that we’re talking about!  The whole idea of favor without labor is exactly what is wrong with Christianity today.  We desire the gifts over the Giver.  We desire the cushy, comfortable life totally ignoring the Apostle Paul’s declaration in Acts 14:22 “Through many tribulations we must enter the Kingdom of God!”

There is no such thing as “favor without the labor”.  We, as Christians, are favored in God’s sight because we are in Christ.  We are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), a chosen generation, we are lights in darkness (Matthew 5:16, Philippians 2:15), we are the children of God (John 1:12), we are heirs to the promises of God (Romans 8:17) we are the brethren of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29) being conformed to His image!  With all of that being said, we are also TARGETS of Satan.  He roams about seeking whom he may devour.  He accuses us daily (Zech 3:1, Revelation 12:10).  I would argue that God’s favor brings with it a certain amount of difficulty BECAUSE our adversary, the devil, hates God and His people!

As Christians, we are called to pick up our cross and follow Jesus.  How is that for favor without labor?  As Christians, we are sifted as wheat (Luke 22:31).  We are hard pressed but not crushed, persuceted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed!  If there were no labor involved in the walk of a Christian, why would our Master Jesus Christ warn us that in THIS world we will have trouble?  Why would HE have labored through so much difficulty if it could be done another way?

If anyone suffers as a Christian, let them not be ashamed (1 Peter 4:16)!  We will suffer loss, persecution and various trials but we KNOW that the testing of our faith develops perseverance!  The tribulations that we encounter, cancer, death, illness, loss, anxiety and any other external pressure creates patience which develops proven character which GIVES US HOPE!  Hope does not disappoint.

The idea of God’s favor being some happy-go-luck state of being is at best naïve and at worst a deceptive and destructive lie used to get people to believe in a God of their own creation.  Jakes has another popular teaching, “favor ain’t fair” in which those with numerous material possessions boast as if they did something to earn them!  Every possession is not necessarily a gift from God.  Some of them are idols.  Furthermore, God’s favor is undeserved so not only do we NOT have any special claim to it, we are only favored because of what the SON has done!  I thank God that the bible tells no such lies but tells us the truth.  This life, the condition of the world and the groaning that happens as a result are all realities but will soon give way to a better reality: the rule and reign of Jesus Christ!  Grace and peace my brothers and sisters.

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