Thursday, February 2, 2012


New Birth Missionary Baptist Church is not somewhere that people should be right now.  Eddie Long,  won't call him a bishop, needs to sit down some where.  This whole charade with the "Jewish" Rabbi Messer (wow, does that name fit or what...messy is what it should be) is utterly ridiculous!  Please New Birth congregants, RUN!  I watched the video- I won't put in a link to it, but I will put in a link to an article that debunks the entire thing here (Huffington Post Article Debunks Eddie Long kingship) where a very astute professor poked holes all in this thing. 

This situation reminds me of the biblical account of Jeroboam in 1 Kings 13.  Read it when you get some study time because the story is actually pretty deep.  2 Chronicles Chapters 10-12 will provide a great backdrop.  To summarize, Solomon's sin caused God to split the kingdom of Israel in two.  His son, Rehoboam, who took over when Solomon died,  caused the people to revolt with Jeroboam (formerly a trusted military advisor to Solomon turned enemy of the state that was exiled to Egypt) leading and taking 10 tribes to be king over.  Two tribes remained, Judah and Benjamin, and the kingdom was officially split with the North becoming Israel (capitol, Samaria) and the South becoming Judah (capitol, Jerusalem). 

Where it gets interesting at is when Jeroboam wanted to keep the people from going to Jerusalem to worship.  He was a control freak that was desirous of keeping the kingdom from "belonging to David".  He erected two shrines, one in Bethel and one in Dan, and in each of them he placed  a gold bull that the people foolishly worshipped.   He then called his own priests to minister in the temples.  God anoints those that he chooses, not man.  God specified in Numbers 1:47 and Numbers 3:10 that ALL priests were to come from the tribe of Levi and that any layman that came near was to be put to death.  Jeroboam was so adamant about setting his own thing up that he even devised phony feasts that happened on the same days that the real feasts were occurring in Jerusalem.  This man wanted something that God did not give him and he operated totally outside of the will of God and totally disregarded the WORD of God.  He created his own little fantasy and he eventually paid the price for it. 

Parishioners of New Birth, can you see the parallels here?  Long has deluded you into believing that you are really worshipping  God.  You are actually worshipping at a temple with a golden bull in it.   Watching this "crowning king" video and listening to the adulation of the audience (I won't gratify them by calling them a congregation) was astonishing to say the least.  I sat with my mouth open as shouts of "hallelujah" rained down from the crowd.  As this fallen man  was lifted up and proclaimed to "no longer be a commoner".  Jesus was a commoner!  To top it off, here was a so-called Rabbi that was so far out of touch with Jewish tradition until he was almost comical.  Can you see it New Birth?  Long has created a fantasy in which sin is acceptable, repentance is optional and itching ears are the norm!  When men allow themselves to be carried around the stage as a king, when they usurp God's glory for themselves, when the make up their own rules...there is only one thing to do...RUN!  Brothers and Sisters, you cannot continue to sit under that foolishness and expect God to bless you!  Your king is turning your hearts away from God and towards himself- and if you've ever took time to read your bible, you would know that God is a jealous God.

Please RUN people.  Long is not God's anointed, he is not God's prophet or God's mouthpiece.  Real preachers talk it AND walk it.  This brother needs to step down and get his life together.  He is in shambles and is totally blind to the fact that he is inviting God's judgment upon himself.  In the story referenced above, God sent a prophet to deal with Jeroboam.  Who or what God will send to deal with Eddie Long is God's prerogative.  What I don't understand is this, why would anyone continue to sit under a preacher that is a known pervert and hypocrite?  Have you seen Centino Kemp?  Wow...that's about all I can say in the most reprehensible way possible.  RUN New Birth, RUN and don't look back.  Get out of Sodom and Gomorrah before God levels it and turns it into ashes.  Don't be like Lot's wife and look back, get to steppin'!  I'm praying that you all would see Long for the charlatan that he is.  I am also praying that he will come to know the error in his ways.  That smug look he had on his face in the video and the roar of the crowd let's me know that Long will continue to be the "king" of New Birth for a while.  I wouldn't want to be there when it all comes crumbling down.

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